
Local 96 Members Sharing Their Issues with the Contract Survey

Last week, we held Contract Survey Days in Southeast, Springfield, Northwest, Chillum, Rockville, and Ravensworth. Over 400 members filled out surveys.

Local 96 Teamsters at Washington Gas are united to win a strong contract. Contract negotiations are our chance to win improvements by sticking together as a union. 

Take the Contract Survey and Unite for a Fair Contract

Local 96 Teamsters at Washington Gas are uniting to win a strong contract.

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Teamsters Local 96 celebrates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The best way to honor his legacy is to follow in his footsteps by uniting together for social and economic justice for ALL people. There is no gain without struggle. We will remember that message as we head into contract negotiations. 

Get Your Certificate of Coverage with American Life Insurance Company

As an active member, retiree or staff member of IBT Local 96, you have a no-cost $3,500 Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefit. This benefit and others listed below are provided jointly through IBT Local 96 and American Income Life Insurance Company (AIL), a 100% union company serving working families just like yours.


Help Win a Fair Contract & a Better Future

We’re preparing for negotiations on a new union contract with Washington Gas.

Contract negotiations are our chance to make management listen to us and address our issues.

We’re forming a Contract Action Team to make sure that all of our voices are heard. That’s how we will win a fair contract.