
WGL Uniforms

Over 100 members have not yet purchased their new uniforms. WGL has provided a Uniform Allowance to all members and will be collecting old uniforms in December.
Please make sure to place your uniform order as soon as possible. You may need to filter by “in stock” items in order to get your new uniforms on time. 

Happy Thanksgiving Local 96

Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all Local 96 Teamster Brothers, Sisters and families. 

Drive Cam Program Update

On Dec. 1st – Jan. 3rd WGL Trial Drive Cams go live. The company will work with members, except for Electronic Device Violations.

The trial ends on January 3rd. Please be mindful to follow all WGL safety protocols when operating WGL vehicles.

November Membership Meeting

UPDATED TIME: Our general membership meeting is on Tuesday, November 22nd at 5:00 PM via Zoom

Use this link to access the Zoom meeting. 

Open Enrollment 2023

Kim Love, WGL Benefits Director will be coming out to the stations and assist employees who still need help with open enrollment. The dates are below:
Wednesday – Chillum (7-8:30am)
Thursday – SE Station (7-8:30am)
Friday – NW Station (9:30-10:45am)

WGL 2023 Open Enrollment Information attached here.

Open Enrollment 2023

Please review the WGL 2023 Open Enrollment Presentation, attached here.

There will be a recorded presentation available on SharePoint tomorrow, November 10th, 2022.

Uniforms Update

WGL has provided $1300 for Uniforms and $50 to cover shipping costs for each employee.

October Membership Meeting

Our next general membership meeting is on Tuesday, October 18th at 6:00 PM via Zoom

Use this link to access the Zoom meeting. 

Driver Observations

WGL supervisors will begin conducting Driver Observations of above ground employees first.

September Membership Meeting

We will be resuming our monthly membership meetings on Tuesday, September 20th at 6:00 PM, via Zoom

Use this link to access the Zoom meeting.