What to Do if You're Leaving Your Job
It is very important that you obtain a withdrawal card from Local 96 when you leave your job for any reason. This includes FMLA, retirement, layoff, resignation, discharge, military leave, disability or compensation.
When you leave your job, call Local 96 at 204-619-3151 immediately to request a withdrawal card or fill out the form below.
When a member has a withdrawal card, he/she is not required to pay union dues for the time he/she is out.
There is no charge for a withdrawal card. In order for your card to be processed, your dues must be paid up to date.
Failure to obtain a withdrawal card will result in you continuing to accrue a monthly dues obligation.
Please note: it is entirely the member’s responsibility to inform Local 96 when you will be out. Taking a withdrawal card may affect your eligibility to run for office under the IBT Constitution.
Contact Local 96 to complete the withdrawal process.